Monday, July 11, 2011

Bottle Cap tutorial version 2

This is a more in depth look at your bottle cap images, 
and how to create them.
If I catch you stealing my tutorial, I will HUNT YOU DOWN.
kthanks :) 

Please click the pictures if you need 
to view them larger :)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Bottle Cap tutorial (for VU)

So you asked for it : And here it is! the bottle cap tutorial! 

1. Open up your bottle cap template. (You can find the template in VU) 
I am using Paint Shop Pro 9 for this tutorial. 

2. Open up your patterns.
(click the colors on the side - switch to pattern) 

3. Add patterns. You can add a folder of pictures by clicking the folder
icon(green arrow) add them with the blue arrow. 

4. Choose your pattern & the scale of them. *the size will vary on the picture your using.

5. Fill circle.

6. Repeat. :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ahhh! Crazy!

So many new products! :)
Who here <3's my crochet hats? hehe.
I am still working a few other things - 
but I am sticking with bows, tutus, and crochet stuff right now.
thanks guys! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Project time?

Crochet hats? :) 
I am working on a bunch of new ideas. 
Post here if you have some that you wanna see ;) 
I might already be working on them. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

222 Fans Mini-Giveaway!!!

Alright guys, here's the post! 

Make sure you leave your name! <3 
Feel free to leave more then just what is required!! <3 will pick the winner. 

Mmm, can you smell the projects?

So I have made my decision on the projects I will be starting:

-Kaylie's clothing quilt.
This will probably never be done. Well, maybe after a few years, I will start a new one, 
but it's going to be all of her baby clothes (that I like) in a quilt. <3
You know, I don't think you can EVER have too many of them! 
-Burp Cloths
maybe one day, I will be able to monogram them. haha.
-Crayon Rolls
I don't understand the appeal of them, maybe if I make a few I will understand.

Now, these will be starting when I can get the sewing machine time I am looking for.
unfortunately, it will not be today (thursday) like the previous post states.
I have to go to an appointment, at 12 and I am leaving the house with the sewing machine. Boo! 
but next week, for sure <3 


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I just want EVERYONE to know that Thursday I will be on the sewing machine!
But what to do first? I think I will be doing something simple, for my daughter. 
Maybe a bib or a burp cloth. Just to get a feel for the new machine (it's a GOOD one too!)
However, unless I can get more days with the machine, Tuesdays & Thursdays will be the time I am on it.
What am I going to make? 
Burp Cloths
Tag blankets
Security Blankets

Possibly a few more items too. ; )
Have a suggestion? Please let me know! I look forward to hearing it.

Little Princesses Bowtique

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Welcome! Little Princesses Bowtique is VERY happy you stopped by!

I am currently working on a few projects that I will keep updated here! I will also do giveaways & other contests here! Please remember to check our blog often, cause you never know what will crop up! <3

Please remember that orders have a 2-3 week turn-around time. Shipping is the WINNERS responsibility if you win a giveaway, or live outside of the U.S.

Here's what I am working on: 

-A clothing quilt for Kaylie (all of her old stuff that I liked, made into a quilt!)
-Korker bows.
-Bibs, Burp cloths ( home made!)
-Car seat / High chair covers ( home made! ) 

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