Monday, July 11, 2011

Bottle Cap tutorial version 2

This is a more in depth look at your bottle cap images, 
and how to create them.
If I catch you stealing my tutorial, I will HUNT YOU DOWN.
kthanks :) 

Please click the pictures if you need 
to view them larger :)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Bottle Cap tutorial (for VU)

So you asked for it : And here it is! the bottle cap tutorial! 

1. Open up your bottle cap template. (You can find the template in VU) 
I am using Paint Shop Pro 9 for this tutorial. 

2. Open up your patterns.
(click the colors on the side - switch to pattern) 

3. Add patterns. You can add a folder of pictures by clicking the folder
icon(green arrow) add them with the blue arrow. 

4. Choose your pattern & the scale of them. *the size will vary on the picture your using.

5. Fill circle.

6. Repeat. :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ahhh! Crazy!

So many new products! :)
Who here <3's my crochet hats? hehe.
I am still working a few other things - 
but I am sticking with bows, tutus, and crochet stuff right now.
thanks guys!